Monday, April 11, 2011

Responsible Technology

I found the book “Cradle to Cradle” to be a refreshing approach to the environmental problems at hand. While the authors took a clearly very technology-centered perspective, it was one that I found responsible. We have frequently discussed in class the dangers of growth-centered societies and assuming that technology and innovation will solve all of our problems. And while I typically find myself agreeing with that perspective, “Cradle to Cradle” promotes responsible technology that not only eliminates harm to the environment, but also nourishes it. I think part of the reason that the book really struck home to me was that the authors did recognize that there is something wrong with the economic system within which the world functions. Corporations must move beyond standard measures of efficiency and work towards “eco-effectiveness”. Essentially this means that not just factories need to be eco-efficient, but the entire process of creating and disposing of goods needs to be environmentally aware. I really do think McDonough and Braungart’s ideas are creative and insightful, and I would love to see the world that they envisioned.

However moving in this direction will be slow, and will take a lot of convincing on the parts of business owners. I think the fact that McDonough is reconstructing Ford’s River Rouge factory is a big step, because if other corporations can see how effective their strategy is, it could flourish. Until we convince business owners and consumers that working towards a healthy environment is in their best interest, large-scale change will not occur.

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