Monday, March 28, 2011

Coby who?

In the debate about climate change, there are many passionate view points. The blogosphere is a key space to promote ideas and to engage in discussions relating to this very controversial topic. Many sides of the debate have taken to the Internet to promote what they think. The Friends of Science website and How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic series are two instances of these tools. Both provide very detailed analysis while taking different views.

Friends of Science is a more traditional web based organization. Their 'About Us' section clearly details how they see the climate change debate and provides information on key issues. It is more of a traditional website in that it has clearly demarcated sections and headings. I think it is the more user-friendly of the two. It has a pleasant background and easy to use interface. Additionally, there seems to be more transparency when the website clearly states where they get their money from and who is on their staff- a team of scientists with respectable backgrounds. A nifty layout map tells the visitor which articles are easy, hard or most difficult on technical reading. Clearly, the Friends of Science website has the support of a much more established organization.

On the other hand we have How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic. This actually an article series rather than the traditional website that Friends of Science employs. There are detailed articles relating a number of subjects that are central to the climate change debate. However, I found it to be the less convincing of the two based on pure aesthetics alone. I am confident both have very reliable data (while at the same time attempting to poke holes in the other side's argument). However, it is much less clear what the purpose is and even who it is. Coby Beck appears to be the only writer and his About Me is less than convincing on his Climate Change credentials. While I am all for empowering voices not often heard through the internet, I believe it is imperative that those voices should also be the most educated. I'm sure he is passionate about his work and we probably sure the same views. But his posts do little to convince me of his argument.

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